It is a fine day to be a duck on the Ala Wai canal. The kind of day that makes you wish you were a duck in the sense that they don't get phased at all and the torrential downpour won't disrupt their schedule. The fairways on the Ala Wai golf course are innuldated with duck ponds. The entire golf course is soon to be one big duck pond. Other than that, it's a wet wet day.

yeah MAN!
Aloha from up the soggy block
Comfort Spiral
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Cloudia- Lol. So far only a single outage but the electricity went right back on.
Okay - so that really IS as bad as it looks.
blournalist- for one, I had to air out my walk in locker room. Somehow water sipped in on the floor and things started to osmosis the water. I was leary of mold. Then a tenant passed by and wanted to borrow a plumber's wrench seeing all all my boxes moved outside the locker room.
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