Friday, December 30, 2011

Grocery List

I very seldom use a shopping cart or even a shopping basket while grocery shopping. The strategy behind this is that I won't overbuy or purchase things that I'm physically unable to carry hugging whatever items I have with my arms full as it is already. The larger items are easier to pick up than the little items. So the little items are gathered off the store shelves before the larger items since I can usually reach for and grab a given larger item one handed if I follow that procedure of order while cradling the little items in my makeshift kangaroo pouch. No, not with my t-shirt pulled up and out but more with the items held like a halfback holding a football to his tummy with his forearm. I'm not recommending the method. Just mentioned it in a blog gist type of way. I was just about done shopping when I noticed that oranges were on sale. But than I already had all the items I had planned to buy cradled in my arms. So I had to put those items down on the top of the orange pile where the topography of the orange pile is flat. This lady shopper next to me starts excavating the oranges below my stack of groceries on the north face of the mesa of oranges. Yes, I did think that was odd of her. If not impolite too. "Why don't cha sift through the oranges stacked on a different quadrant," I thought loudly to myself wishing she'll perhaps hear my thoughts. But she was deaf. This is due to the influence of the word S-A-L-E on people's minds. Anyways, later when I ate an orange at home, it was junk. On sale, but nonetheless, junk. The skin on the orange was thick and the individual segments were huge. And the membrane on the individual segments were though not as thick but reminiscent of a pomelo. The taste was nothing to write home about either.


Mokihana said...

Wow, worry about the orange. Junk orange no good, brah.

We used to live next door to a couple who had a huge lemon tree in their back yard. Anytime I needed lemons, all I had to do was ask and I could pick as many as I wanted.

Sure can't do that now...

Kay said...

I wish I could see you shopping. :-) Sorry, but you must be fun to watch. Funny, but we just bought some oranges a couple of weeks ago and they were terrible too. Weird.

RONW said...

Mokihana- after I peeled an orange I found this 'thing' between the segments of the orange .... sure you want to hear dis, okay, then .... it looked like a worm, an orange worm. No, I didn't eat it. The worm that is. I ate the rest of the orange. No sense waste. It had the shape of a cheeto® if you can imagine but soft.

Kay- I purchased some d'jou pears today because every other fresh fruit was expensive. Of course they're never ripe so I tossed them into the micro to instantly ripen them, actually pouch them. But it does bring out the sugary taste and it's not hard as stone after microwaving.