Without further ado, The Arc de Triomphe ala 2012 Honolulu Marathon. It's been a tradition the day before race day for runners to have their pics taken running under The Arc de Triomphe in full stride arms high in victory and not even breaking a sweat. Tomorrow will of course tell a different story at the end of the grueling 26.2 miles. I surmise that's the reason for the red mats to cushion the finisher's landing if they so need it. Minor detail, this is actually the finished-side of the finish line.
This is the real deal from the runner's vantage point about a 100 meters from the finish line. Still looks far to me.
The completed camera & media platform that the workers were setting up in yesterday's pic.
Quite strudy, isn't it?
Plastic crowd control barriers lining the home stretch.
You can see by how a welcome breeze lifts up the plastic fencing, it's a better running weather. It's been humid for the most part of this week.
Every time he sees something about the Marathon, Art has that wistful look on his face. I know he wants to do it, but I don't like it. He'll do the Hapalua instead.
Kay- Absolutely, it's not easy to give it up. Mind you, in today's miles, it's really 40 instead of 26.2.
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