I was on the freeway just above Pearl City and I signaled to merge right, to position myself into the lane for the freeway exit a half a mile up the road, up the road not down the road since the exit is at the top of a hill, and this beach in the adjacent lane, huge space btw, speeds up so there's no gap to merge into. Holy Harry Porter, I'll just merge behind her then, again beach, okay I feel better, but than she takes the same freeway exit, so she just about knew that was my intention too, not just getting in front of her. What is wrong with the world.
You do see the most interesting things from your window! What a strange boat.
Kay- LOL, I just had to take a picture of it.
That's the "me first" attitude most people have nowadays.
Brad- obviously on my motorbike, I'm not in the business of merging for the thrill of it even in moderate 60mph traffic. I signaled way in advance, too. In doing so, I might have created the problem. She took it as a royal request, and you know how far that gets you.
There's the beaches and bums who seeing you coming on an on-ramp who speed up and match your speed, some times even slowing down, and not letting you in. If they continued their previous speed you could easily slip in behind them. But they make it a point to try and obstruct your entering.
Nate- this happened on Sunday around 2pm and at least it seems that I kept on running into traffic jams until smooth sailing by the Pearl City area, so by then, I wasn't in the best sunday mood. Now I've had imbeciles speed up in the next lane to almost the solid white line of an exit lane than try to cut into the front of the line, and I never liked it a bit. Especially, after you happen to notice in your rear view mirror that there was a huge space behind you that could have fit an aircraft carrier. In this particular case, I'm in the adjacent lane in front of the wahine not sneaking up on her. I glanced at the wahine driver as I was slowing down to merge behind her as she was passing by a foot away from me, and the entire thing didn't phase her a bit. Just doing her good deed for the day almost. Not too much I can do about that.
Bad driving is so much harder to tolerate now that we have more people than ever who literally aren't even looking where they're going.
The problem is cell phones, yes, the but it was when data plans started offering unlimited talk that things got really bad. Before these data plans, when minutes were a precious commodity, people took the time to think, "do I really need to make this call?"
We now have a whole generation of people who have never troubled themselves with this question.
owner- it didn't take Hawaii long to enact bans against using phones or texting while driving. Still, it's been proven that even with hands-free devices, the driver's mind is not paying attention as much as it should to the road. I believe a contributing factor to inattention incidents, at night, is that today's energy conserving street lamps, sodium or something, don't light up the area very much in respect to pedestrians using a crosswalk where there isn't a traffic light where otherwise everybody is stopped at the intersection. Also, today cars are quiet and smoother from inside the driver's cockpit or compartment envelope, giving drivers a false sense of how fast they're actually moving and more overriding how much braking it requires to stop traveling at the 'enhanced' speed. Even 10mph faster substantially increases the distance needed for screeching to a stop an inch or two away from an obstruction and that's with an immediate reaction, in large part because as much as the speed of cars have increased, the breakthroughs in brake mechanics and so forth to reduce stopping distance hasn't kept up pace with the speed of today's vehicles as inversely as they should.
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