Monday, March 7, 2011

Water Main Break in Waikiki Town

I generally don't like to post YouTube videos, but these clips are just 16-seconds and 17-seconds long.


The Waikiki Wanderer said...

Saw this from the bus today; wanted to stop and take pictures but there were too many police keeping people away at the time. It was a nice mess. Is Waikiki's infrastructure crumbling? Maybe that's too strong, but how about, "it could use some work."

Kay said...

Wow! That's amazing! I'll be checking out the 5:00 news today!

RONW said...

WW- they fixed the sewer lines on Waikiki side streets, street by street, after the bad publicity of the 48 million gallon sewer spill, but I guess waterlines are a separate project. Is Waikiki's infrastructure crumbling? The entire city's infrastructure crumbled long ago. The problem is that a new city administration is overwhelmed by the scope of the problem, so they neglect it, then the next city administration has even more of a backlog to tackle, and they, in turn, put it on the back burner and dump it on the next city administration. Think about it, as Honolulu gets more congested, year after year, digging up the old infrastructure is more of hardship, especially for a massive overall, and construction costs go up too. Plus, business don't really want their streets closed.

Kay- I'm sure the tourists enjoyed the sight. The surface of that particular side street was always bumpy and it hasn't been resurfaced for a while, so this mini disaster might work out in their favor for the business establishments and for me as well.

blournalist said...

Yeah - linking to YouTube videos and calling it a post is usually pretty lame, but this one works out quite nicely, dunnit?

Please tell me someone tried to surf the water main break.

Mokihana said...

Man, that's a whole lot of water!

OkiHwn said...

So who pays for the sewer charge based on water that has been used? Heh heh!

RONW said...

owner- at least to me, YouTube videos is not what people visit your blog for. In that sense shouldn't overdo it. Just imagine the situation if all your regular blogs posted YouTube videos all the time that happened to pique "their" interest. In context to a subject du jour, that I can see. On the other extreme, I can't understand why people with good voices don't produce video blogs, or whatever happened to audio bloggers. Some of them were fun.

Mokihana- on the news, one proprietor said that the road lifted a few feet up before the actual rupture. That was a junk kind road anyway, and needed to be resurfaced, but I guess the city was waiting to put in all the necessary infrastructure all at once. That's the old Waikiki Woolworth's sidestreet, btw.