Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Pipes

FedEx delivered my motorbike exhaust pipes at 8pm tonight. A little too late to attach them to the bike. Tomorrow, perhaps. As I was saying in an earlier post, the new pipes will be a lot louder to better alert vehicles that I'm in their proximity, and not to merge erratically into my lane. "Loud pipes, saves lives," is the slogan. Wouldn't place all my bets on that alone though. However, just suppose that a day or two from now, someone driving in the very next lane was able to hear my new pipes an instant before he would have otherwise merged blindly into my lane. But driver didn't. It sure would save me wear and tear on my brake pads from screeching to an emergency stop.


OkiHwn said...

The way most folks drive with the windows closed with the A/C on doesn't help.

RONW said...

Nate- they might "might" be able to feel the vibration. I dunno.

Kay said...

Are you sure you won't go deaf? My brother uses a motorcycle to get to work everyday in the city and it makes me crazy that he refuses to wear a helmet. Arrrghhh!

RONW said...

Kay- well, it won't be loud enough to trigger off car alarms, that's for sure, because my Shadow motorbike is only a 600. My other motorbike is 1500. Btw, it's not that safe to ride "with" a helmet. For one thing, you'd be isolated from the wind in your face and the road noise and be emboldened to drive even faster, with a false sense of reality.