Happy Aloha Friday through snow, rain, sleet or sunshine, however Aloha Friday managed to make it's appointed rounds to your neck of the woods. As we speak, I'm hearing the Friday night fireworks going off at the beach. I take it that they re-continued the weekly fireworks displays after canceling the event at the tail end of last year due to financial difficulties. I actually can't see the fireworks aerials from the lanai (balcony) of my apartment since my apartment faces the mountains and spaghetti boiling on the stove keeps me from taking a peek from the apartment building's stairwell, but I can hear the noise of fireworks exploding ringing in the 2nd Friday of the new decade and whatever fortune to behold. If Publishers' Clearing Warehouse knocks at your door, it's a cool $10 million this year I've heard. The amount not necessary the prerequisite knock.
In the something like that department: jumping into water teeming with jellyfish is about on the same mental level with the polar bear plunges they do on the mainland states. Myself, I'm immune to jellyfish stings after having had so many wrap their tentacles around me. It takes about a million stings for the self-immunization effect to kick in. As an added bonus the jellyfishes start to sense that you're a jellyfish from that point on and tend to leave you alone. Try it yourself, if you don't believe me.

Somehow, I can't seem to get clear pictures with my new camera. While I was sitting on a bench trying my best to figure things out and waiting for a newton apple to fall on my head, I found a sand quarter on the same bench.
Happy New Year, Ron! Everytime I hear about Publishers Clearing House, it reminds me of my neighbor who had Alzheimers who thought they were coming to her door so she waiting on the steps all night. Sigh...
I hope everybody will have a better economic year in 2010.
I'm so happy to see you back.
There are fireworks every single Friday in Hawaii? Wow.
Publisher's Clearing House... just another scam where you have more chance of dying by a pencil that fell from the 30th floor striking your head than winning.
I just went on the PCH website to try to find the payout information, but can't find it on the site. I think it says in the tiny, tiny print during the commercial that you get a small amount each year. No lump sum payment. I did find the odds, however. For the $10M prize (for which entries can be submitted through 2/2012), you have a 1 in 1,750,000,000 chance of winning. 1.75 BILLION. Honestly. That stinks.
You're immune to jellyfish stings? Oy! Those things are wicked bad. When I was seven, one got stuck in my bathing suit. Horrific stings. Spent the rest of my childhood days in the water, splashing the "bubbles" in the water to make sure they popped....
Hau'oli makahiki hou, Ron! :)
Ann- once those critters get inside your bathing suit, you're doomed, even if you're immune to the toxins. The cloth rubs the barbs in the stings into your skin especially at the elastics.
and you're back.
kahuku- so, what's new with the planet in general? Given, freakin people who post their list of 100 resolutions on their blog just like they did last year and the year before.
And what brand/model is your camera again? Maybe they sold you a dud. Or maybe that stint in the freezer did more harm than you thought possible.
Rowena- I'll have to check my return policy before I exceed it. I've tried all different setting but medium distance photos still aren't clear. Even my 4 mega pix clunker takes sharper images at the same range. ??
I hope you figure it out (but it really, could just be a defect). I checked the image content on Flickr and it looks like your new cammie has a lot of potential.
Here's hoping for more photos like these:
Rowena- I looked at the link, and yes, the camera is a decent camera ($400) for my purposes especially since I won't want to lug around a very expensive camera in my bike's saddlebags. It might be the SD card that I bought and I think I should buy another memory card to rule that out.
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