Saturday, January 9, 2010


Brad Farless said...

Did you see my latest blog post? Apparently using the simple 'invert colors' option on even the most basic graphic editing programs will result in a full color nude of your body scan. There are images included in my post. This whole thing is a disgusting invasion of privacy.

RONW said...

Brad- seen in that light, it is about the biggest invasion into personal privacy as yet.

Kay said...

I've got quite a bit of traveling lined up for this year. This is getting me worried.

RONW said...

Kay- If you do want to feel safe flying back from Europe, etc, then fly with Canadians, then fly from Canada back to the US.

OkiHwn said...

Is kaka explosive?

RONW said...

Nate- no, just the gas it emits.

Kay said...

Not Europe, I'm afraid. We're headed to Japan, Illinois and California.

RONW said...

Kay- that's still a heck of a lot of mileage. My arms would get tired. On an airplane, you mean?? Opps.