Thursday, December 17, 2009

Big News: The Simpsons celebrates its 20th anniversary today.

da Ohana....and would you believe it, the longest-running prime time entertainment TV show in America.


Cloudia said...


Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Ann da sista said...

My best friend Aimee used to nanny for Matt Groening's kids when they'd visit Kaua'i. Did you know that Matt Groening's kid's name is Homer? Seriously. It's Homer.

RONW said...

Cloudia- 20-years went by fast.

Ann- did Groening fashion Lisa in the image of your friend Aimee? LOL.

Rowena said...

Boy does that make me feel old...

RONW said...

Rowena- Homer's kids never grew older somehow. Random about the screen writers behind the scene.

Ann da sista said...

That is the brilliance of the series - no one aged! I'm a huge fan of GLEE and can't figure out how they're going to make it last, with most of the kids being juniors in the high school....

Anyone watch Futurama? It's coming back in 2010!!!

RONW said...

Ann- Futurama? I had to look that up.