Sunday, September 13, 2009


Here's something while I'm getting use to posting with Blogger.


Brad Farless said...

Welcome to Blogger RONW.

I'm sure you'll love the comment notification feature. To set that up you go to settings, comments, then comment notification e-mail. That way you know you have new comments without having to check each post.

RONW said...

TypePad also had that feature, however, the last time they "improved" their software, it took literally months to work out the bugs. On top of that, they acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary....albeit, the person I corresponded with on TypePad support has to abide by a set policy, otherwise they get fired.

Brad Farless said...

It was their way of saying, "We screwed up and we don't know what to do so please don't hate us while we try to get it sorted out!"

I have a feeling you'll like Blogger a lot more.

RONW said...

well, they done it before. Btw, 4½ years with TypePad.

Brad Farless said...

RONW, I miss your old header image. You gotta get something going!

RONW said...

Brad- my reluctance is due to having inadvertantly destroyed entire sites in the past, plus I'm not too savy tweaking Blogger, as yet. Blogger does have a "preview" button before things get fucked up, which reduces the drama.

Brad Farless said...

It's too easy to add a header image in Blogger. You go to Dashboard > Layout, then click on the "Edit" link on the header element in the mock-up display. It gives you the choice to upload an image and use it as your header. It'll even resize it for you if you tell it to. And you can have it appear behind the words, or replace the header altogether.

Brad Farless said...

By the way, how come you enabled moderation now?