I've been leery of blogging over the past week becuz I got back a Code Red diagnosis (below) alerting me that me computer was infected by Malware after running a test at the DNS Working Group website. The background on the same image should be Green if the Estonian malware isn't detected on your computer. I downloaded an 'eraser' software but didn't get anywhere implementing it. The glitch was that you have to download and store the eraser software on and reboot your computer from a DVD or USB drive which translates in layman's terms that you have to reset your BIOS, usually the computer starts up from your manufacturer's hard drive when you turn the computer on. I prioritized the BIOS to restart from the eraser DVD instead of the hard drive, but after clicking the viola Enter Key, the computer nevertheless still rebooted from the hard drive. Tried and tried the same steps for about 4 hours last night like one of those hamsters.
Finally, it was 4 o'clock in the morning, that it dawned upon me, that perhaps the malware had disabled the function. So, whadda we do now. The Estonian malware bozos have already been apprehended by the FBI and Interpol but they've left their mess and legacy for others to clean up. I bet they plea bargained for reduce sentences if they handed over the antidote. If they were to serve a day in penitentary for every computer and router their malware infected, that would have amounted to hundred-of-thousands of days in the slammer. That doesn't even account for or address or approach the hours people took to erase the malware. I finally tried AVIRA and it worked instantly like a charm. No downloading their eraser to a sterile DVD, since I'm unable to reboot from an alternative DVD anyways, just download the eraser software, and hit the RUN button to implelement the fix. And yes, I realize there are other ways to resolve the issue, if not have prevented it to begin with, or perhaps old news by now too, however.

Perhaps you can re-install your operating system, or the 'mirror image" of the original OS they put on new Dells? So sorry you are having this stupid annoying problem.
Hope you get 'er done so we won't be without you, Ron - even for a day or two.
cloudia - heck no, big no, I ain't about to re-install the OS. Anyways, the 'eraser' fixed things. I was having problems with an MS eraser becuz the instructions said that I had to download other associated software, another layer in unfamiliar territory, then store the eraser to a DVD or thumbdrive. Then darn the tumbdrive couldn't be reformated for whatever reasons. So, I used a DVD, but the computer BIOS refused to reboot from the sterile DVD. In other words, going round and round in circles. Btw, we might be the only two bloggers in Waikiki town.
OH WOW! So it's true! I wrote about this on my blog. Sheesh! I'm so sorry you were hit. I'm OK, thank goodness. I hope...
Kay- I musta had the malware for a while. That's why whenever I hit commenters' names, I would be hijacked to a Russian website. Some times I couldn't get on Ebay too. Now, it's all guud. Oh, in another month and I would've been prohibited from Internet acess with the darn malware, and I remember you writing about it, just never paid attention until I started getting multiple notices on Google searches.
missing yer posts, Ron
cloudia- me, too! Only kiddin. I've been busy saving the world and other mundane things. Did you see or hear the fireworks tonight, the finale was around 5-minutes long. I thought, "huh, tonight?"
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