Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Dis' plus Dat'

At the moment, if I buy another $4.oo more of merchandise then I'm into 'Free Shipping' at Amazon which applies to orders totaling over $25. The shipping cost is $10 for both or for even one of the items below. A roll of chrome tape and an LED headlight. Easy enough. I'll buy some rechargeable batteries and that should easily exceed $25. Well, not so easy. Apparently there are items on Amazon which are sold and shipped by Amazon. Then there are items advertised on Amazon that are sold and handled offsite by vendors or manufacturers themselves and the cost of those items don't count for the $25 free shipping bonus round. Unfortunately rechargeable batteries fall in the 'doesn't count' category. For the life of me, I can't think of anything I need badly. Neither do I want to pay the $10 shipping so this might take a while. It strikes me that the Amazon strategy is that while you're looking for something else to buy, in my case, $4 more, Mr. customer might end up purchasing something worth $60 or $600 while confined to the premises esentially upgrading from economy class to first class and so forth. At the very least 'seeing' other wish list items to dream about.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you couldn't find some rechargable batteries on Amazon that would qualify. Whenever I shop on Amazon I restrict the sort to only include items that qualify for "Free Super Saver Shipping" on the left side of the page.


RONW said...

Alan- I never thought of the 'sort' feature. I'll give it a try. Still deciding on the extra $4 item. And yea, you'd tunk Amazon would be heavy into rechargeable batteries but apparently they're not, might be because Energizer® rechargeables at Walmart are only a dollar more.

kawika said...

whenever i need something to reach $25 i usually check out this site to see if i need anything USEFUL to buy from Amazon.

Kay said...

I try to only get that Super Saver Shipping or I ask my daughter to buy it for me since she is a Prime Member.

RONW said...

kawika- I just visited the 'slick deals' link. Lol, they sure have a lot of essential items.

Kay- kinda makes you wonder if some interested party would be willing to provide this service for a minium fee.

Mokihana said...

I usually end up doing the same thing... I don't ever pay for shipping from Amazon unless it's something I really really want from a regular seller.

Like the book I just bought; been searching for it for years and there it was in perfect condition. Hated to pay $4.00 shipping, but it was worth it to me.

RONW said...

Mokihana- your comment was held up in 'comment moderation', didn't see it until now. How you always manage the free shipping is fantastic.