I said previously that I ripen fresh fruit from the grocery store in the microwave. Fruits are usually shipped green to Hawaii. I forgot to loosen the lid on the tupperware container as it was cooling down. As you can see for yourself. Musta been too preoccupied on the Internet or sumpthing of that nature.
Ron Dali !
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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Wow! I've never seen that happen before. I agree with Cloudia. That is so Dali of you.
Cloudia- I'm a bit better than Dali if you don't mind. That said, your characterization is apt, very much so, lol, since melting or melted objects are shown in of paintings, Dali's The Persistence of Memory.
Speaking of Dali, I saw his The Battle of Tetuan on sale at Ala Moana shopping ctr. decades back, for like $20,000 (*might have been $200,000,* memory again). Whatever the case, even then, I thought it was incredibly low. Today, it's probably worth $20-200 million. Huge (10-feet by 14-feet) and the detail seen in person was incredible too. However, dunno if Dali painted over photos or whatever it's called for some of the sections of the montage.
Kay- Well, I did salvage the tupperware bowl. This type isn't sold anymore anywhere I looked. The trick is not to open the lid. Just pop it back in the microwave and heat it up again and the heat will hermetically expand it back to 'almost' to the original shape. If you were to remove the lid, yes, making a science of it, once you remove the lid you'll never be able to get a perfect seal again for the expansion.
Cloudia- I meant 'better than Dali,' aesthetically speaking, with oils, crayola, etc.
There is no worthwhile fruit that grows on the islands?
I seldom eat fruit from the Mainland. No need on the Big Island. I used to get frozen organic berries but don't bother any more, since a grower started selling strawberries at the local market.
We do benefit from being in a place where there are a lot of small farmers.
blournalist- alas, when you grew up with lychees, mango, longan, papayas, thriving in the back yard or from the neighbors who shared their own fruits of the harvest, no mo the same taste, from store bought local fruit. So even if they were to grow the same local fruits .... I've never been able to bring myself to purchase a single papaya from the store, for example. I have bought local grown bananas, though. I guess it's falls into the same context as some northeasterners buying a bottle of maple syrup off the store shelves.
Hattie- fruit-wise, fresh fruits, the Big Island is still country style, not big city.
Uh oh, that is kind of funny.
Jill of All Trades- even a bigger lol is bloggin about it. The survival of the world depends upon it.
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