Saturday, May 14, 2011

The State of Internet Service

Via PBS, broadband speed in the Netherlands is 20 times faster than US broadband. In Britain, monthly rates for Internet service is between $12-$6.00 ($40/month average, US). Britain has something like 400 Internet service providers. The post office sells Internet service. The electric company sells Internet service, etc.

PBS video (12 minutes)


OkiHwn said...

Typical US business practice - rip off the consumers - and condoned by the powers that be. All for the almighty dollar of corporations!

Bradley Farless said...

I've been complaining about this for years. Companies rip us off left and right and our government doesn't protect us.

Kay said...

Sigh... It sure is aggravating! I was shocked when I learned how much we'd have to pay when we arrived in Hawaii.

OkiHwn said...

BF - The State in Hawaii licenses monopolies like Oceanic. Most of us are stuck with *

RONW said...

To All- It's even more of an insult that the Europeans have faster Internet service and less expensive fees because the US Defense Department started (perhaps invented) the Internet, and the appeal for today's Internet is driven largely by American innovations .... Tweeter, Facebook, Blogger, Wordpress, U-Tube, etc, and operating systems MS and Apple are products of American ingenuity. Be glad that there's still net neutrality in the US. That's where every Internet subscriber is entitled to equal broadband speed irregardless their status.