Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Kay said...

Definitely Happy Birthday! I wonder why Michelle isn't with him for his birthday instead of in Spain.

Ann da sista said...

I have friends who did this and, after you wish the President a happy birthday, it asks you to donate some money (to what I'm not sure - his upcoming campaign, perhaps). Anyhow, that sort of left a sour taste in my pals' mouths....

RONW said...

Cloudia- Aloha to you, too.

Kay- just between you and me, Michelle never received a single vote, or would she for first lady.

Ann- I received a thankyou note from a campaign worker. I sent him your comment and added the following ....

"Now, I'm fully aware that that's just how the website works .... the donation page always appears. But you really should have disabled the donation page for the birthday occasion.

Just letting you know. And it didn't bother me, myself."