Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hi-5 (5¢ per empty)

At the request of The Society of Collectors of Empty Beverage Containers, the City has placed wire cages next to some trashcans at Kapiolani Park in Waikiki. I guess the idea is for the public to discard their empty soda cans and beer bottles in the separate wire cages.


Anonymous said...

great for the homeless population to cash in.

RONW said...

gigi- I've seen all walks of life rummaging for the 5¢. It's quite addicting I've heard.

kahuku said...

leave whatevas... do you think they really mean that? I could imagine finding a discarded microwave or something. They said to leave whatevas. We could certainly use a few of those wire baskets around here.

I'm over at now.

RONW said...

kahuku- the sign also says "take," so somebody might misinterpret it and appropriate it for their garden, vines.

Kay said...

I like it! I like it!

RONW said...

Kay- this is as basic as it gets, otherwise people might vandalize them. There are more designer models on Kalakaua Ave. adjacent to city trash receptacles.

kahuku said...

I read it as take or leave whatevas.

RONW said...

kahuku- well, they meant recyclables (HI-5¢), but with all the third world people that abounds, they might take the wire cage to use as a wastebasket.