Extra thin crust pizza with 4-cheese toppings. Thinner than a saltine cracker.
I bought the frozen pizza at Safeway late last night. While I was there, I "thought" I saw frozen Manor House (Safeway house brand) turkeys on sale for $9 for 16-pounders or more, $4 for turkeys under 16-lbs, and Honeysuckle brand frozen turkeys for $8 each. They were all sold out at that hour. But that's still inexpensive and a bargain for a whole turkey. Another thing, you know that laser guns that store employees use to scan bar codes to take inventory of food items on store shelves. Well, a Safeway worker was busy aiming the the laser gun's beam through the glass door of the frozen food section and registering the bar codes of each individual stack of food items without having to open the door. I didn't know they could do that.
Oddly enough I really love those cracker thin frozen pizzas.
Also, it's a great idea to have those scanners set up so they can read through the glass. I'm sure it saves the store a lot of money since the coolers aren't opened.
Brad- the thing about extra thin pizza is that there's about a 60-seconds window between burnt and just right.
I know what you mean. You have to really keep an eye on it or it'll be ruined.
Brad- I forget to mention that this Freschetta brand pizza was really too thin for my liking. Freschetta also makes 'flat bread' pizza, so they might have just repackaged it in their 'extra thin' variety.
I don't know a whole lot about that brand but I typically prefer thin crust pizzas. I usually go for a pepperoni, mushroom black olive thin crust from Papa John's.
I honestly can't remember the last time I had frozen pizza....it's been that long ago.
As for the turkeys....this evening we went to the supermarket to check on the status of the turkey delivery. The guy said to come in any time during next week, and we can have our pick of a whole fresh unfrozen turkey, not just turkey sections or turkey burgers. Of course you must imagine my dubiousness of the whole arrangement, because where I come from you get your turkey EARLY or you don't get one at all. So I tell the guy, what about Thursday?? (and here I'm being a smarty pants because what fool is gonna buy one turkey on T-day?) He said, no problem, turkey will be waiting, you want me to call you? Apparently he has already dealt with other americans and their turkey quests.
Long story longer, since we'll celebrate on Saturday, I pick up my turkey on Tday, brine it for 24 hours then pop it into the kiln on Saturday morning. That's the plan, unless, if on Thursday, that guy has no turkey for me.
Rowena- who eats frozen pizza in Italy, anyways. And I don't blame you for being a little skeptical about turkey man because if things fall through, he might leave you more hungry than the pilgrams.
Good luck with that Rowena. With there being no oven for me to use I'm giving up on Thanksgiving for this year. Also it's not celebrated in Singapore so I can't buy precooked either.
By the way, I just got to the guest house in Kuala Lumpir I'll be at til Tuesday. Nice so far. Continental breakfast, free wifi and desktops, TV and three cats to mess with.
Hey, your pan looks just like MY ovenware! Sorry, but do you really have a gas oven? I remember kid time having a gas stove. But now I'm wondering . . . where does the gas come from? And do you have a gas bill?
Jalna- that's a perforated pizza pan, larger enough that it barely fits inside the oven. Utilities are included in our apartment building so donno how much gas saves over electricity, but the laundryroom has gas dryers, so it was just a matter of taping off the same gas lines to the kitchens, otherwise I don't imagine newer buidings would install gas lines, at least, I haven't seen them in Waikiki.
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