Laddies and gentlemen .... my "Shadow".... or the manufacturer's name for the bike. The Shadow 600 is the best-selling model of any brand. Unfortunately, 2007 was the last year that Honda produced Shadow 600's. My other bike is a 1500, which is over twice as large an engine, however, if I have to stop at a traffic light, the 1500 guzzles a gallon of gasoline. Two stop lights, 2-gallons of gasoline, while My Shadow, aka trusty Iron Horse, averages 50mpg around town, with 66mpg highway/freeway. That said, with new parts, Iron Horse rides again. The only holdup was finding a bulb for my front signal light which popped when I took a wipe out on the horizontal wall, along with other accourterments that also sustained damage. And no, bikes aren't eligible for universal health care the last I checked. Just to keep on the safe side, I did 8-laps in my apartment's basement garage before venturing out into the night. For only the shadow knows.
Nate- feels like an old friend, in it's own way.
Glad to hear it's working for you again!
Brad- me, too. I'm avoiding the freeway for a few days until I'm absoltuely sure on things.
Ya. Good idea to make sure it's all working right first, and get the new parts broken in. Man... I don't even want to imagine wiping out on a highway...
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